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34479 2021-02-07T16:54:54 38
设计师: 马汉鑫


Life is about to begin, and we fade out of the spotlight while reading the plays. The curtain dawns, resting on the light of the city, to explore the beginning of the existence of life aesthetics.

It is a home environment to explore a new family public space, a habitat for living, warmth and relaxation, and for all who live in this environment to leave a full of emotional experience and memory. It is a place where people can meet, share food, or spend a relaxing weekend. The clean and concise design and clear lines complete the integration with life in a sober and restrained manner, and convey the beautiful vision of harmonious coexistence between art and life.

生活正待开场,我们在翻阅剧目的同时,消隐在聚光灯之外。帷幕拂晓,栖倚熙光,探寻生活美学存在之初始。 这是一个探索全新家庭公共空间的家居环境,一个居住的、使人感到温馨休闲的栖息地,为所有身处在此环境中的人留下充满感性的体验与记忆。在这里,人们可以相聚、分享美食,或者惬意地度过周末。干净简洁的设计与清晰明了的线条,以一种清醒克制的姿态完成了与生活的融合,传达艺术与生活和谐相处的美好愿景。 Life is about to begin, and we fade out of the spotlight while reading the plays. The curtain dawns, resting on the light of the city, to explore the beginning of the existence of life aesthetics. It is a home environment to explore a new family public space, a habitat for living, warmth and relaxation, and for all who live in this environment to leave a full of emotional experience and memory. It is a place where people can meet, share food, or spend a relaxing weekend. The clean and concise design and clear lines complete the integration with life in a sober and restrained manner, and convey the beautiful vision of harmonious coexistence between art and life.

01 品质所及·美学初始
Quality and Aesthetics


Malevich wrote in his book《The Non-Ob-jective World》:

01 品质所及·美学初始 Quality and Aesthetics 马列维奇在他的《非客观的世界》一书中写道: “客观世界的视觉现象本身是无意义的,有意义的东西是感觉。” 褪去城市喧闹外衣,余下闲暇享受肆意。 Malevich wrote in his book《The Non-Ob-jective World》: "Visual phenomena in the objective world are meaningless in themselves, What is meaningful is sensation." Faded the city noisy coat, the rest of the leisure enjoy wanton.

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