黑天鹅天然石、黄铜与白色手工漆低柜、木格栅的体块重组,各式肌理交汇碰撞,在体量与体块的相互交叠中,辅以天然纹理点缀,再反馈到人体感官,述尽纯粹极致的美学力量感。 The recombination of black swan natural stone,brass, white hand-lacquered low cabinet and wooden grille creates the intersection and collisions of various textures. In the overlap of volume and volume, supplemented by natural texture embellishing, it is fed back to human senses, presenting the pure and extreme sense of aesthetic strength.
02 造物别致·内敛共衡 Unique and Balanced 当内心情感随着音乐情绪层层递进, 手握曼妙醇香的美酒,在这 一隅阅读闲暇, 眼中只余空间与阳光共舞的韵律。 When the inner emotion along with the music mood layer by layer progressive, holding graceful mellow wine, in this corner of reading leisure, eyes only space and sunshine dance rhythm.