空间以方盒子作为主要框架,交谈区的半圆与单一体块共存,开放的形态空间延伸到顶上的圆球,形成不同边界的交汇。设计师在空间中强调方与圆的对比和冲突 通过材质的关联,天花与地面的分割。打破空间的一致性,天花保留了原建筑的钢筋结构,看似孤立的元素却无心成了最躁动的存在。通过原始的粗犷与细腻的形态构成,整个空间看上去都是自由的表达。既对立而又协调。 在空间整体冷静色彩的提炼中,具有无限张力的留白处理,是设计师的克制处理。跳脱的红与粉,就像是这未知空间中躁动的原点。白本身处于色界的极端,在这界线分明的空间中,会议区成了克制的纯与空,红色沙发与粉色板块的激进表达,完全抛开了界的比例,对比鲜明。 A square box constitutes the main framework of the workspace. In the conversation area, the designer integrated semi-circle structures and a ball hung from the ceiling into the single spatial block, resulting in intersection of different boundaries. Materials of different textures break the consistency in the space and endow it with various features. The steel structure of the ceiling was retained, which becomes a highlight of the spatial design. The coordinated combination of rough and delicate textures generates contrast in the space, and creates a free atmosphere in it. The designer adopted a restraint color scheme, with white and light gray as major hues, full of tension. Striking red and pink colors are dotted in the space, injecting vitality into it. In the conference area, the red sofa and pink panel form contrast with the spatial overtone set by white color. Different colors bring collisions of restraint and agitation, and at the same time facilitate emotional and idea exchanges in the space.